2022-06-05 · Collapse: Limits to Sustainability — Collapse marks a rapid simplification of society. Surprisingly, collapse tends to be driven by the efforts of civilizations to sustain themselves. Sustainability requires greater consumption and increased complexity. Complexity is a function of problem solving and allows societies to grow, but it is also a key driver behind collapse.

2022-02-12 · Modern Day Bread and Circuses — Superficial appeasement, opiates and distraction are tools used by governments when things fall apart. 2000 years after Decimus Junius Juvenalis coined the term ‘Bread and Games’ in Rome in Satire X, the term still coins societies core drive to cater to our most basic desires.

2022-02-05 · The Red Queen Hypothesis — Life is a positive sum game! From molecular arms races to the evolution of sex, the red queen hypothesis states that the primary driver behind evolution is the struggle to survive.

Last modified on Sunday, Jun 19, 2022.
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